
Bring Our Team to Your Farm

Clinics are an excellent way to bring us to your farm. Build your foundation and communication with your horse in order to improve performance at every level.

Intro to Horsemanship

Take both horse and rider to new levels of performance.

This session is designed for the developing horse and rider team. Participants will begin with ground work exercises to develop communication, balance, and leadership with their equine partner. Participants will then continue their experience by transitioning these fundamentals to under saddle work that will advance performance across any discipline by developing rhythm, balance, and understanding.

Applied Horsemanship

Building on Solid Foundations.

This session is designed for experienced horse and rider teams who are looking to sharpen their skills to further develop their horses. This session is more tailored to the group needs as horses begin to diversify in their chosen fields of performance. From masters of the trail to the grand prix this session is designed to integrate more advanced maneuvers while still integrating the foundations of horsemanship and clear, fair communication.

Foundations of English Riding

Improving performance with Rhythm, Balance, and Understanding.

This session is designed to improve riders of all levels across English riding disciplines. Improve your communication skills and send clearer messages to your equine partner while instilling confidence in both horse and rider.

Foundations of Cowhorse Riding

Giving purpose to arena work.

Horses thrive when they have a job to focus on. Cow work provides meaning to maneuvers and skills practiced in "dry" work. This encourages free, determined movement and learning from the horse instead of traditional arena drilling.